Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two Quirky Men

I like to observe people and the cafe at Barnes and Noble is a great place to do this. Tom and I've been watching two men in particular for a year or so. They're always seated in the cafe and have text books and papers scattered around them. Sometimes they seem to be deep in conversation. Apparently they subscribe to an alternative lifestyle which I don't condone. They are interesting, however. They always dress alike and always wear hats, but not your usual baseball caps or cowboy hats. Oh,no. Their hats are the quirkiest part of their outfits. I don't know if they scour thrift shops for them or what but all the hats are weird! Sometimes they look like something Dr. Seuss would have drawn, with a squiggly thing sticking up out of the top. One set of hats is purple and looks like the soft kind they make for women undergoing chemotherapy. And they are colorful-green, purple, etc. One set is a multicolored knit African-appearing thing.

Much to Tom's and my delight one time they wore matching multicolored bowling shoes. I'd like to be a fly on the wall some morning when they are choosing what ensemble to wear for the day.

One afternoon Tom decided to talk to them. He found out one is studying for an advanced degree and the other one is a professor of some sort.

They bike around town on this recumbent tandem bicycle.

They're a ten on my quirk-meter.

1 comment:

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Another trip[ to B&N and still no invite to the pastor?

