Thursday, November 15, 2007

Till Death Do Us Part

I'm going down memory lane today to a beautiful autumn day in 1975 when two young people happily pledged their lives to one another. Thirty two years ago I married Tom Misch. We were so young and so in love, so hopeful, with our lives stretching endlessly into the future. By now, though, we've lived through a lot of that future. It's been good for the most part. We had some hard times, the death of Tom's mother, Scott's death, nursing school, Tommy's infancy and his subsequent challenges, Tom's diabetes and my bipolar disorder,and now trying to support Douglas through an unwanted divorce. But each difficulty brought us closer as we leaned on each other and drew strength from one another. We pledged to grow old together, but I for one never thought about actually aging. Then one day I looked in the mirror and realized aging is a reality! I've been scrapbooking pictures from when the kids were little and oh, yes, we've all changed. But the journey has been fun and I'd do it all over again. I'm still madly in love with Tom Misch. He's my best friend. So as we celebrate today it's with joy and anticipation of the next thirty two years. Happy Anniversary my love!


The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TOM & CINDY!!! We hope you have MANY MANY more anniverarys!! Praying for you!

Pastor Byron & Julie

Rangermom said...

Happy Anniversary.

Mom told me today that it's been 25 yrs that Scott has been gone. Time does fly, whether you're having fun or not.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Tom. Your blog brought back a lot of memories. My, how time has flown. Time continues to fly by. May God bless your family.

A former pastor,
Troy Muir