Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Post Thanksgiving Day Musings

It seems I'm not as smart as I thought I was. I was so smug, no Black Friday shopping for me. No crowds, no lines at the checkout, no craziness. I was not going to be a shopping cliche. Ha! Monday morning I spent a pleasant hour pointing and clicking and typing in my credit card number. Then while listening to the radio I discovered I had taken part in a new shopping cliche, Cyber Monday! What a shocker. I may have to actually go shopping, but the majority of the gifts Tom and I give will come to our house via UPS.

Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. Both Douglas and Tommy were home and we had dinner with Mom and Dad. Along with the turkey I cooked Tom's goose. Seriously, he'd asked me to make a goose, too, so I did. It was surprisingly tasty, though there wasn't much meat on it. Mom baked both pumpkin and red raspberry pies. Yum. The boys and Tom and I had Friday breakfast at Perkins before Douglas went back to Columbus. Then on Saturday Tom, Tommy, and the neighbor kid cleaned the garage. We had a huge smelly bonfire at my folk's place. All very satisfying.

Thinking of Thanksgiving, there are innumerable things for which I am thankful. Among these are: bifocals, medications, my new job, my family, my home, my church, chocolate chip cookies, pizza delivery, sunshine, rain, flowers, good books, ice water, and coffee.

Well, Tom'll be home soon and there are pork chops to cook so I'll close for now. Happy Tuesday everybody!

1 comment:

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Your thanksgiving sounds wonderful!!! I got a smile visualizing your cyber monday shopping!! Oh, and by the way, your church is thankful for you too!! Especially your pastor's wife!!!