Monday, January 14, 2008

Finally, A Second Client

Last Thursday I spent twelve hours with my new client, and another twelve with her on Saturday. Maggie is a seven year old little girl with extensive physical and mental challenges.
Her parents had been looking for someone to fill in when their regular nurses were unavailable.
Although she is totally different from Judi, my other client, I enjoyed taking care of her. I got to use nursing skills I hadn't used for twenty five years and, in fact, learned some new skills. She is fed three times a day through a tube in her stomach. She takes her meds the same way. To move her between her wheelchair and the couch or tub one uses a sling and a rail attached to the ceiling. I got quite good at getting her into and out of that sling. Since she is unable to sit up I gave her her bath while she was lying on her back in the tub. I washed her beautiful waist-length hair in the tub, too.

When up in her wheelchair Maggie wears a back brace and leg braces which I also got proficient applying and removing. We spent a happy hour listening to a cassette of the Sesame Street monsters singing songs about the alphabet. Nearly thirty years ago I played the same songs, on a record player, no less, to Douglas. Needless to say there's been a lot of water under that bridge!! However, Maggie seemed to enjoy herself judging by the big smiles I got. Or maybe the silly way I waved her arms about in time to the music made her happy. I believe she was adequately stimulated. I know I was.

Thinking up ways to stimulate her is the biggest challenge of this assignment. I'm going to look for more children's albums next time I go to Barnes and Noble. She has many toys with music and voices and they are useful to play with with her. Maybe I just need to learn to play with a young child again. It's been a long time.

At any rate I'm thankful for my second client.

On another note, as you probably know Douglas is in the middle of an unwanted divorce. He is having a hard time with grief issues. Due to the visitation schedule he has been unable to attend church which is also difficult. If you'd remember him when you pray I'd appreciate it and I know he would, too. If anyone would like to drop him a line his address is:
947 E. Johnstown Rd.
PMB 281
Gahanna, OH 43230
Tom's due any minute and I need to set the table.

1 comment:

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

Just wanted you to know I enjoy your blog! Congrats on your new client and I want to drop Doug and email if he has one.

Pastor Byron